Today Netflix and production company Fiction Valley announce the first Dutch Netflix feature film. The film is written by Golden Calf winning duo, Shady El-Hamus (D e Libi, Nightshade) and Jeroen Scholten van Aschat (De Libi, Fenix) . Shady El-Hamus will also direct the film.
The film tells the story of Richie Rich and his journey to becoming the greatest hip-hop artist in the Netherlands. One evening he is violently robbed by a group of teenagers and loses his most prized possession: an expensive watch. When images of the humiliating robbery go viral, Richie's hard-earned reputation is damaged. Can Richie restore his image or will this be the end of his career?
Lina Brouneus, Director of Co-Production & Acquisition at Netflix: “We are thrilled to announce our first Dutch Netflix feature film in collaboration with Fiction Valley. We can’t wait to work with the extremely talented creators, Shady El-Hamus and Jeroen Scholten van Aschat bring the entertaining story of Richie Rich to life.”
“It is a great honor as young filmmakers to have the opportunity to create the first Dutch Netflix film. The collaboration with Netflix gives us the opportunity to make a film for a bigger and global audience.” said director Shady El-Hamus. The film is a fast paced crime with comedic elements about the contemporary obsession with status and success. Jeroen Scholten van Aschat: “The film examines the struggle between who you are and who you want to be in a world where your online identity is all-important. Everyone seems to be burdened by a chronic recognition disorder.”
Annemieke van Vliet, creative director and producer at Fiction Valley: “I am incredibly proud that Netflix has chosen to collaborate with Fiction Valley to make their first Dutch feature film. We look forward to working together.”